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Here are some popular free SSL certificate providers.
Here are some popular free SSL certificate providers.
As of now you are able to send/receive Real-Time Notifications in Laravel 11 Using Laravel Reverb & Laravel Echo then communicate Securly WebSockets with Authentication in Laravel 11 (Reverb & Laravel Echo) and then you are able to see tha which user is online. Next comes how to see the list of online users.
Hope you have understood that How to implement REST APIs in Laravel, Now you need to make your apis secure to access. To authenticate your Laravel API, we’ll use Laravel Sanctum, which is lightweight and perfect for token-based authentication in REST APIs. Here’s how to implement it
Presence channels allow you to track which users are online in real-time. This is useful for chat apps, user activity tracking, and more.
By default, Laravel Reverb allows public and private channels. To secure WebSockets, we need authenticated private channels.
Since Laravel Reverb is Laravel 11’s built-in WebSocket server, we’ll set it up with Laravel Echo to enable real-time notifications.
User clicks the “Login with {Provider}” button. 2. Redirect the user to the provider’s OAuth page. 3. User logs in and authorizes the application. 4. The provider redirects the user back to your application with an access token. 5. Use Socialite to retrieve the user’s information and handle authentication in your app.
Laravel’s Eloquent provides several model events that allow you to hook into the lifecycle of a model. These events can be used to execute custom logic when specific actions occur.
To remove a package from Laravel using PHP Composer, composer remove vendor/package-name and then remove service provider references, clear the cache.
In Laravel’s Eloquent ORM, you can automatically delete related rows when a parent model is deleted by defining relationships and cascading delete behavior